Thank You For Reserving your Complimentary Spot!
Mark your calendar and be sure to join us for this content-rich training!
Money Wellness! Having a Healthy Perspective on Earning, Saving and Spending Your Money
Please check your email for access information. Just in case, you will be receiving another reminder just before the webinar again.
And be sure to jump on the training a few minutes early and claim your spot.
See you on on the call!
Do you know your Personality Type?
Follow this link to crack your “Code”
It’s fun, it’s fast, it’s fabulous!
Pre-Register now for our Webinar Success Series:
- 5 content rich webinars (see content below), delivered in June, July, August, September and October, 2014
- Financial Calm-Sailing your Way out of an Ocean of Debt and into a Sea of Prosperity
- Visioning & Goal Setting – Projecting your Tomorrow & Heading for it Today
- Road Blocks to Success – Changing your Thoughts to Transform your Life
- Motivation Magic – Awakening in Others the Inspiration to Excel
- The Law of Attraction Cafe – How to Get what you Desire in all Areas of your Life
Preregister NOW for ALL 5 additional seminars for only $99!
(Each is normally valued at $149)
As an additional bonus, you will also have complimentary online access (through October, 2014) to the Self Study Course to “The Law of Being”, normally offered at $49.95/month.
That’s right, a $995.- value [(5x$149) + (5x$49.95)]
for the low one time price of $99.00
Hartmut Eggert