With the end of the year just hours away, I am thinking about 2018 and my accomplishments.
I am also looking back to the beginning, when I turned dreams my into goals. Some I have achieved, others I have not.
And, I have achieved goals that I didn’t even envision at the beginning of the year.
Life is a journey, each year is a journey and the path you take is up to you.
Letting yourself being distracted and taking a “sightseeing detour” is a choice….
Was it a good choice, or a bad choice? Either way, it will alter the outcome one way or another. The good things is that when we don’t like the outcome, we CAN adjust.
We CAN adjust our habits and behavior, so that we get the desired outcome.
One thing though is MANDATORY!!!
You MUST know what it is you want to accomplish.
What about you?
Have you achieved everything you were planning on achieving? Or, have you given up on making New Years Resolutions all together?
It’s YOUR choice, and it’s your choice whether you are working towards reaching your goal(s), or whether you let some outside forces (or inner thoughts and believes) sabotage your success.
If you are wondering how it is possible to achieve your New Years Resolutions once and for all, check out our Home Study Self Coaching Program on Visioning and Goal Setting, and take advantage of the special 2019 promotion before it ends.
Turn your Vision into Goals now: Vision2Goals.com
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